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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

Replacing or Updating Your Medicare Beneficiary Card

Your Medicare card is a sensitive, personal record that should be kept in a safe place at all times. But life happens, and sometimes Medicare cards get lost, stolen, or damaged. Life circumstances can also change, such as your name or address, and a Medicare card may need to be updated. How do you go about replacing or updating your Medicare beneficiary card? Continuing reading...

What Does Commercial Umbrella Insurance Cover?

Your business is protected by your business insurance – but is it enough? A commercial umbrella insurance policy provides coverage when a claim exceeds the limits of your other policies. This type of policy is typically quite affordable and offers a critical level of protection against losses from substantial claims or lawsuits.  Do You Need Commercial Umbrella Insurance? A liability claim filed against your business...

Do I Need Boat Insurance for a Non-Motorized Boat?

Depending on where you live, you may not be legally required by the state to carry boat insurance for a non-motorized boat, but that is not the only reason to insure your boat. If you have invested in a sailboat, kayak, canoe, or RIB (rigid inflatable boat), boat insurance will protect your investment if the watercraft is damaged during an accident. It should also protect...

Can a Life Insurance Beneficiary Decline?

The beneficiary of a life insurance policy may not even be aware that they were named in a policy. The owner of the policy has the right to choose whoever they want as the beneficiary, but what happens if the beneficiary does not want the insurance payout? Does he or she have the right to decline? What is a Beneficiary? A beneficiary is a person...

Beginner’s Guide to Business Owners Package (BOP) Insurance

BOP (business owners package) insurance can be the ideal way to protect a small business. The bottom line is that you want the maximum possible coverage at the lowest possible rate, and BOP insurance could be your best option.  The Basics of Business Owners Package Insurance A BOP insurance policy covers all the major property and liability risks, and is typically the ideal insurance for...